Hi Elder Reinhardt,
It was cool to read about your miracle last week. I hope you have many more just like it.
We just returned from Blacklake and visiting Grandpa and
Grandma. Grandpa and Grandma say Hi and miss you. We did a little
yard work for Grandma and picked a lot of apples, I would guess around
six boxes. Mom has big plans for those. Jayson has the fishing
bug...and he is getting really good with his pole. Thursday we saw a
gigantic fish swim right by us at round lake and this week end a huge
bass broke my line and took my best lure to the bottom of Blacklake. Of
course now Jayson is set on getting his own lure just like it.
Jamie is starting her own business making bracelets. She
and Mom have been making bracelets all weekend and now Jamie has a
starting inventory. Crazy! She is definately learning a few skills
from Mom and is quite the little sales woman. She is talking about
going on her own mission when she is old enough.
We hope you have a great week. As you work at being a fisher of men, we pray your nets will be full.
We love you,
Wow James! It was like Christmas in here yesterday. Dad and I
rocked out to your Brazilian musical CD. Jamie and I are wearing shirts
that you sent. Of course jason is still in bed. And we are eating your
candy for breakfast!
What a treat!!! The game of life....too fun! Thanks for the translation!!!
Oh....and cool coins for my collection!
Gotta dash....going to see a poor babe...just like Kaya.
WOOOO HOOOOO! I'M super stoked that you all got the box!! =D
think that you could even make like a mousé with that juice! get
condensed milk, with a little half and half, and put the juice mix in it
and wa-lah! =D

Foto da Reunião de Liderança
Hello there buddy! Thank you for the photos. How exciting.
We hope that you are doing great and have you in our prayers, as always
We are progressing as a family, through the Book of Mormon! And it's amazing what they retain.
One of my friends - a very great lady has been diagnosed with
cancer. She is a wonderful, amazingly beautiful lady. We had about 18 people come to sing to her - most
of them were from the church. About six of them were nurses, and the
rest were the ladies from church. It was so beautiful, and many of the
church ladies who haven't come out with me before, commented on how
beautiful that was. So I hope to have more angels in my singing army
now. I think everyone felt the love of the Spirit.
Kids are back to school, strange how the time flies. I was just getting into summer!
At any rate I miss your guts! Thank you so much for loving
so many people. You are a great missionary, and then even greater man. I
am so proud to be your mom.
I love you,
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