Friday, May 31, 2013

Praying with a Pencil...

Yeay!  We got our first e-mail from James & want to share it with you!  - Thank you for all your prayers for him.  I know he will give His all to the Lord and bless the lives of many!  It will be a delight -- it already is a delight to watch him grow!

"Hey Family!  Hows it goin up in Sandpoint????

The MTC is sooooo grand!  The Spirit is sooo strong!  .....You should meet my companion here! ...  It's sooo wonderful how fast our companionship has grown!  It's a jumpstarted, called of God, Spirit-Induced, best-friendship!

Mom and Dad, I understand now, a little, what it means to watch over and love a family fromthe parent part.  I don't know how to describe it, but being District Leader has allowed me to fall in love with all the other 8 elders and sisters in the district.  I have prayed for and received a piece of God's love for each individual!  It's so great having companionship interviews with the senior companions!  I feel that the mantle of the priesthood overcomes me and I'm actually able to give sound council to those I love!  I'm able also to see further into their lives!  - I tel you what, I've started to pray with a pencil ... and I know that God can give you personal revelation.  I pray for maybe 20 minutes or so trying to come as close to God as possible and he does reveal to me through His still, small voice what needs to happen with District 69D, what needs to happen in my life, and more!  Godspeed!

God is sooo good!  This gospel is true!  I love you all so much!

Gotta go pick up my laundry!

Share this with everyone!!!!


Thanks again -- so many have helped him get to this place in his life! -- We love you all for blessing the lives of our boy turned Mr. Incredible!!!

James' Mom

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Shifts in the Spirit!

We were so excited to get James' letter in the mail -He says he is really busy already!  Here is a little bit from his letter for you to enjoy:

"...I'm really busy!  I'm already district leader!  The spirit is sooo strong!  I can feel shifts in the spirit when meeting with investigators! - They get you started fast!  Only the 2nd day in the MTC and a manhu, Eo ensenar todo en Portuguese! (He's teaching totally in Portuguese!!!)

Take Care!  The church is true!

...The best wisdom today: said by Brother May, "There are no coincidences.  So find the reasons you are here, and rejoice!"

You can write to James!
Elder James F. Reinhardt
BRA-ZIT 0701
2005 N  900 E.
Provo, UT  84604

One thing I know for certain, is that IF the gospel is true, then wouldn't it make sense to want to share it with everyone you bump into?  I believe, as does James that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true -- and the purpose of  our life here is to learn and grow, and help Him bring to pass the Eternal Life and Happiness of all mankind.  Now, that doesn't mean that we shove it down people's throats, of course -- God's plan is not one of coersion - it never was....but what a glorious thing to share something so important, so soul - saving and Life Important as the news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ -- it has been restored!

Thanks for your support and prayers for James!

With love,
   his Mom

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

...Flying solo..

James has been a wise and kind soul from would say he was easy to raise!  His influence in our home will be missed for sure; and yet I'm so happy to share him with the people of Brazil as he goes out to serve God and others.

It is strange sending your once small baby turned very capable man off on his own for his first solo, knowing it will never be quite the same .... lovely and wonderful, yes.... but not the same.

Strange how babies grow up.....